Hen Harriers
Marked hen harriers at Langholm: An update
In 2018 Heads Up for Harriers cameras were placed at nests at Langholm. They recorded some interesting images, including what is probably the first ever confirmed predation of a harrier nest by a short-eared owl and an attentive male harrier at a nest.
Nest no. |
No. eggs laid |
No. eggs hatched |
No. young fledged |
Reasons for failure |
Comments |
1 |
5 |
5 |
0 |
Female flushed by fox at night. Nest visited by SE owl followed by LE owl. LE owl killed all young. |
2 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
Eggs broken with small puncture holes. Fox scat found in the nest and 3 female HH tail feathers. Probable fox predation. |
3 |
6 |
5 |
3 |
Evidence of fox and of one of the chicks being eaten 1m from the nest. Cause of loss of the other chick is unknown. |
4 |
Unknown |
2 |
0 |
Probable predation by fox – chick feathers dragged through the heather. |
Nest located by RSG while containing 2 chicks. Nest camera and ringing arranged, but chicks no longer present at this stage, possibly due to predation by fox. |
Marked hen harriers at Langholm: An update
Since the Langholm Moor Demonstration Project began, Natural England marked 18 hen harrier chicks with satellite tags in order to better understand their dispersal and survival. Marked hen harriers are also contributing to the conservation efforts of other associated projects, such as the RSPB Hen Harrier Life+ Project, and the PAWS “Heads up for Harriers” project. During the summer of 2017, five satellite-tagged hen harriers have been recorded on Langholm Moor, and this post is intended as an update.
Two female hen harriers, Hattie and Grainne, hatched and tagged in 2013 at Langholm Moor, have not left our area for any length of time, and both have nested with us from 2014-17. A further female bird, Sorrell, which was tagged and fledged from Langholm in 2016, then overwintered in south-west Scotland, and then made a long-distance movement to south Inverness-shire in May. Sorrell has now returned to Langholm but is non-breeding. Very recently, and “hot off the press”, a male hen harrier called “John”, which was tagged in Northumberland in 2016, has joined us. Field staff have also noted a colour-ringed male at Langholm Moor, which was ringed and fledged with us in 2014.
The identification of another female hen harrier, which is nesting at Langholm in 2017 has been shrouded in mystery. A nest camera put in place as part of the “Heads up for Harriers” project revealed that this bird is both carrying a satellite tag and a BTO metal ring. Following extensive checks with all researchers involved with satellite-tagging hen harriers in the UK and elsewhere in Europe, we have determined that the satellite tag is not functioning.
However, in the past fortnight we finally managed to take some photographs, which has allowed us to read parts of the leg ring. This has revealed that the bird is most likely Miranda, a four-year-old female hatched and tagged at Langholm in 2013, last recorded in July 2014 in Northern Ireland. As she is breeding this season, and we do not want to run the risk of causing nest desertion, no attempts have been made to trap Miranda and remove the satellite tag. If we get a suitable opportunity later in the year, trapping of Miranda, using authorised techniques undertaken by skilled practitioners, will be actively considered.
Duncan Orr-Ewing
Sonja Ludwig
28 June 2017
Hen harriers were first recorded at Langholm in the
1980s and for several years there were between 2 and 5 pairs. The hen
harrier is the qualifying feature of the Newcastleton Hills SPA and the
site is of international importance for this species. Other large
predatory birds which regularly breed at Langholm include the peregine
and the raven.
Numbers of hen harriers rose rapidly during the Joint
Raptor Study but declined back to earlier levels afterwards. Some
changes in harrier numbers and breeding success are caused by changes
in vole and meadow pipit numbers which are their principal prey and
which influence where they settle on the moor in spring.
Numbers of hen harrier 'pairs' breeding at Langholm
(red line). In some cases male harriers paired with more than one
female, so here each female is counted as a pair. Green bar chart shows
number of harrier chicks fledged at Langholm since 1992 (right axis).
During the project the number of hen harriers breeding
is being recorded by watching for displaying males from a series of
vantage points. Harrier chicks are counted and ringed. In 2008 there
were two successful pairs which raised 9 chick between them.
Food is provided to all known territories from
late-March until the incubation period begins and then continued when
the hen harrier chicks hatch, in an attempt to divert hen harriers away
from predating on red grouse chicks. This method, which was trialed in
1998 and 1999, reduced by up to 86% in the numbers of red grouse chicks
fed to hen harrier brood. It did not, however, lead to an increase in
grouse stocks.
Dispersal and Tagging
The dispersal patterns of harriers in Scotland is
generally not well understood, despite this having a probable influence
on their survival and predation on prey during the winter. Since 2010 a
proportion of the harrier chicks fledged at Langholm have been fitted
with satellite tags which monitor their progress during the next year.
The project has supported this because the more is known
about the dispersal and fate of harriers the better to inform national
conservation frameworks. We are particularly interested in the
proportion of harriers that disperse and/or die naturally away from
grouse moors as this is currently not known.
Some of the dispersal movements have been remarkable.
One male chick, (now known as 'McPedro') overwintered as far away as
the north coast of Spain in 2010-11, returning to SW Scotland in May
2011. Click here
to see the path taken by this wanderer.
This male bird and two satellite tagged chicks from the
two 2011 nests at Langholm have been followed through 2011. Signals
from all three birds have now ceased, one in the Scottish Borders and
two in northern France. As no remains or tags have been retrieved it is
not possible to establish the fate of the harriers.
Click here
to see the final positions in France of the harriers tagged at Langholm.
Natural England have led on this part of the project and
their public relations team can be contacted here.
Harrier Breeding in 2014
Hen harriers have had an incredible
breeding season at
Langholm with a total number of 12 nests (12 females, 6 monogamous and
bigamous males). Ten of these nests were successful and fledged 47
young (brood
sizes between three and six), which is more than in all previous
seasons since the start of the project combined, the other two nests
deserted during incubation (one secondary female and a very late
The nests were discovered throughout the spring and summer, the last nest being identified in the third week of June.
All the nests were diversionary fed during the period when young harriers were in the nest. This work was undertaken by the keepering team in the course of their normal duties; a careful record has been kept of the time and cost implications for further assessment. The science team undertook feeding when extra hands were needed.
Two of the harrier chicks (one female from 'Grainne''s nest, and an additional male) were
fitted with
satellite tags by Stephen Murphy in mid-June as part of a separate Natural England project. Their fate can be followed as usual on the Making
the Most
of Moorlands Blog (http://langholmmoorland.blogspot.co.uk).
Where the untagged majority of these breeding harriers have come from is an active discussion as the change from 2 nests to 12 is unprecedented; it took a number of years to see the same rise during the Joint Raptor Study. It likely reflects reasonable breeding in SW Scotland in 2013, good overwintering conditions (plenty of prey and clement weather), and the social aspect of hen harriers which typically seek a semi-colonial nesting distribution.
Common Buzzards
There are sometimes noticeable numbers of buzzards
hunting the moor at Langholm and the number of pairs breeding in the
area has increased since the Joint Raptor Study. The Project wishes to
understand whether this predator is having an effect on the survival of
moorand birds and has commissioned work in 2011.
In 2013 LMDP researchers fitted
young ravens with radio tags – the first time this has been done
within the UK.
As there is anecdotal evidence that raven prey both on grouse eggs and
the project hoped the tags would provide information about movements of
raven family groups and the location of night roosts - for the
collection of
Five juvenile ravens were fitted
with radio tags within the LMDP study area in late April 2013 . The
birds were
tracked until their dispersal from the project area in August/September, though one
juvenile died for no apparent reason before dispersal. The
siblings’ home
ranges were very small in May (<1.5 km2) and June (3-4 km2),
but increased from July onwards when the young ravens explored the area
km2) around their nesting
territory until they dispersed. Three
quarters of the prey items identified in pellets were small mammals,
wool and invertebrates, but we also found remains of grouse, small
lagomorphs, reptiles and amphibians, as well as plenty of plant
raven tagging project supported the broader monitoring of grouse
nests and broods, including nest cameras, temperature loggers and wax
eggs to
identify when and what is predating the grouse. However grouse nesting
was above average in 2013 with only two failed clutches (out of 20
nests) so there was no conclusive evidence about the main causes for
nesting failure.